The Office of Cybercrime (OOC) is one with the Department of Justice (DOJ) in the virtual celebration of the 2020 Human Rights Summit as part of the Philippines-United Nations Joint Program on Human Rights on 07, 09 and 10 December 2020.

With the theme “Peace is the Work of Justice”, the DOJ has scheduled a number of webinars that encompass various human rights subject matters, such as freedom of expression and international humanitarian law, among others.

To join the aforesaid webinars, please register through the following links:
Human Rights Summit Opening Ceremony
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_qPTAkM0CTy-kvFgp_SB2yg
Building a Culture of Human Rights: Mainstreaming Human Rights Education
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_zeIWc4OCTdCC0oVtPuPPcg
Establishing the National Preventive Mechanism
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_iC4n_VyxT1u3gxVLKBpaJQ
Best Practices in Protection of Human Rights Defenders
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_9h44rifcQq61K9W4iZxsKg
Human Rights Guarantees in the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_v_nHlmBQQamrh7lMEV-h5g
Contemporary Issues in International Humanitarian Law and Children in Situations of Armed Conflict
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_PqNy-4YNTyOWYaWAblVftg
Freedom of Expression and Data Privacy on Social Media
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_T4l2Pnc2RrGPamlAS0g2SA
South-South Cooperation on Human Rights and Closing Ceremony
Registration Link:…/reg…/WN_1c5_PTMHRku3Kgnpcqqkag
Thank you and please feel free to disseminate this information to all concerned!